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Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade is one of the thirteen independent committees operating in the framework of the WTO Council for Trade in Goods. It was established according to Article 13 of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) which is an integral part of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO). Committee consists of each Member representatives and meets ad hoc, at least once a year, in principle three times a year,  in order to allow Members to consult any issue concerning operation and implementation of the TBT Agreement, and, as well as to fulfil obligations powered by this Agreement or its Members.

The Office is responsible for giving effect to the TBT Agreement in the Czech Republic which means, inter alia, the obligation to prepare, in co-operation with all interested parties at the national level, and to present the Czech Republic positions as regards the operation and implementation of the Agreement towards the European Commission which is the representative of EU Member States in the Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade meetings.

More details of all Office activities within TBT Agreement can be found in the section of WTO/TBT.

More details of TBT Committee activities and WTO  are available on the following websites:



Hereunder is presented information concerning the Committee activities.

Sixth Triennial Review of the Operation and Implementation of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (PDF; 98 kB)

Twentieth Annual Review Of The Implementation And Operation Of The Tbt Agreement - Note By The Secretariat (PDF; 604 kB)