General information
WTO/TBT Enquiry Point of the Czech Republic answers all reasonable enquiries from other Members of Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade and interested parties in other Members as well as provides the relevant documents regarding any technical regulations adopted or proposed within the Czech Republic, any standards adopted or proposed within the Czech Republic and any conformity assessment procedures or proposed conformity assessment procedures which are operated within the Czech Republic.
It also provides documents on requests of the interested Czech entities in the field of state and public and answers their enquiries.
WTO/TBT Enquiry Point of the Czech Republic
Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing
Mgr. Irena Karasová
Tel: +420 221 802 212
e-mail: wto.tbt@unmz.cz
Biskupský dvůr 1148/5
P.O.BOX 49
110 00 Prague 1
Notifications of the Czech Republic to the WTO/TBT 2019 - 2020
Notification of the Czech Republic to the WTO/TBT 2018
Notifications of the Czech Republic to the WTO/TBT 2017 - 2005
Other Relevant Documents
Agreement on technical barriers to trade
Statements on Implementation and Administration of the Agreement under Article 15.2 (DOC; 155 kB)
Useful links