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Metrology Council

The Metrology Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a permanent advisory body to the President of the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. The Council's mission is to assist in the objective management of the development of activities provided by the Office in the field of metrology with the aim of ensuring the uniformity and correctness of measuring instruments and measurements in the Czech Republic.

Within its competence, the Council shall, in particular:

    • discusses the proposals and implementation plans of the Office in the field of metrology,
    • takes positions on important tasks of metrology development and on major issues of international metrological cooperation,
    • expresses its opinion on the draft tasks of the Programme of Metrology Development,
    • discusses proposals for the announcement of state standards,
    • comments on drafts of programmes for information and education activities,
    • participates in the drafting of legislation in the field of metrology,
    • submits proposals for improving activities in the field of metrology using the opinions and comments of interested parties.

The Council is composed of representatives of state administration bodies, business entities, educational institutions and metrology interest organisations and other entities in the field of metrology. These include in particular:

    • Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment,
    • Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Technical University,
    • Czech Metrology Institute (CMI),
    • Czech Trade Inspection Authority, Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority,
    • Czech Institute for Accreditation,
    • Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic,
    • Czecholab, Czech Association for Calibration, Czech Metrological Society, EURACHEM - Czech Republic.

The Council has an expert background consisting of technical commissions - TCs (13 in total) focused on the most important physical quantities and professional areas.

  1. TK for weight - chairman Ing. Daniel Št'astný, CMI
  2. TC for length - RNDr. Petr Balling, CMI - LPM Praha
  3. TC for mechanical quantities - Ing. Lukáš Vavrečka, Ph.D., CMI - LPM Prague
  4. TK for time and frequency - Ing. Alexander Kuna, ÚFE AV CR
  5. TC for thermal quantities - Ing. Pavel Purket, Termolab, s.r.o.
  6. TC for electrical and magnetic quantities - Ing. Jiří Zikán, CMI - OI Prague
  7. TC for ionizing radiation - Ing. Jiří Šuráň, MBA, ČMI - OI Prague
  8. TC for chemical and biological measurements - Ing. Eva Klokočníková, CAI
  9. TC for metrological terminology - Ing. Eliška Machová, ÚNMZ
  10. TC for metrological regulations - Ing. František Staněk, Ph.D. - CMI
  11. TC for photometry and radiometry - Dr. Ing. Marek Šmíd, CMI - LPM Prague
  12. TC for the area of prepackaged goods (HBZ) - Ing. Ivan Kříž, ČMI - OI Brno
  13. TC for flow and volume measurement of liquids - Ing. Miroslava Benková, CMI - OI Brno


Current composition of the Council:

Doc. RNDr. Jiří Tesař, PhD. (Chairman) - Czech Metrology Institute
Doc. Ing. Olga Tůmová, CSc. (Vice-Chairman) - University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
RNDr. Pavel Klenovský - Czech Metrology Institute
Ing. František Staněk, Ph.D. - Czech Metrology Institute
Ing. Alexander Kuna, Ph.D. - Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Ing. Pavel Nosek - Czech Institute for Accreditation
Ing. Olga Krištofíková - Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Doc. Ing. Zbyněk Plzák, CSc. - EURACHEM-ČR
Ing. Daniel Št'astný - Czech Association for Calibration
Ing. Eva Průšová - Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Ing. Jiří Lechner, CSc. - Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography
Ing. Pavel Korčák - Czech Society for Quality
Ing. Miloslav Smetana - State Research Institute for Materials
Ing. Alexander Šafařík-Pštrosz - Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic
Doc. Ing. Emil Svoboda, CSc. - University of Defence
Ing. Zbyněk Zavadil - ATG s.r.o.
MUDr. Jan Wolf - Ministry of Health
RNDr. Věra Ježková - Czech Metrological Society
Ing. Romana Hamrlová - Czech Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority
Mgr. Bc. Petr Svěchota - Czech Association of the Regulated Power Supply Companies
Ing. Radek Sedláček, Ph.D. - Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Ing. František Nekola - Electrotechnical Testing Institute, s.p.


Ing. Štěpán Mašek - ÚNMZ (Secretary)


 Statutes and Rules of Procedure order Council on Metrology

6.1   Statutes Council on Metrology

6.1.1 The mission of the Council is to assist in the objective management of the development of activities provided by the Office in the field of metrology in order to ensure the uniformity and correctness of measuring instruments and measurements in the Czech Republic.

6.1.2 Council:

a) Discusses draft concepts and implementation plans of the Office in the field of metrology and proposes changes and modifications to them as necessary.

b) It takes a position on the assignment of major tasks for the development of metrology and on major bissues of international metrological cooperation.

c) Comment on the proposals for the Metrology Development Programme and on the method of allocating the funds allocated.

d) It shall comment on the approval protocols for national standards and recommend their promulgation to the President of the Office.Office their announcement.

e) It shall comment on proposals for programmes for information and training activities in the field of metrology.

f) Participates in the preparation of legislation in the field of metrology.

g) Submits its own proposals for the improvement of metrology activities.

h) It shall take advantage of the opinions and comments of interested bodies and organisations, including the specialised departments of the Office.

6.1.3 Composition of the Council The Council shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and permanent members representing governmental authorities, business organisations, educational institutions, metrology interest organisations and other bodies with interests in the field of metrology, and honorary members. In particular, the following shall be represented on the Council:

a) Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic,

b) Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic,

c) Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic,

d) Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic,

e) Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic,

f) Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,

g) Czech Technical University,

h) Czech Metrology Institute,

i) the Czech Trade Inspection Authority,

j) Czech Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority,

k) Czech Institute for Accreditation,

l) Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic,

m) Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic,

n) Czech Society for Quality,


p) Czech Calibration Association,

q) Czech Metrology Society,


s) Representatives of manufacturers from the most important manufacturing sectors (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemicals, food industry, etc.). The Chairman of the Authority nominates:

a) the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council, on a proposal from the permanent members of the Council. Their term of office shall be three years,

b) the permanent members of the Council on a proposal from the stakeholders,

c) Honorary Members of the Council from among the meritorious workers in the field of metrology. The Chairman of the Authority shall have the power to extend the Council with additional members and also to exempt members from their office and membership of the Council. The activities of the Secretariat of the Council are carried out by the Metrology Department of the Office of Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, whose employee also acts as the Secretary of the Council. The Secretary of the Council is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Office. The Secretary is not a member of the Council. Other experts may be invited to individual meetings on the basis of the Council's recommendation to address special tasks within the Council's remit. The Council shall have the authority to request expertise from a professional institution under terms and conditions to be discussed with the Authority.

6.1.4 Bureau of the Council The Bureau of the Council is established to deal with operational matters between Council meetings. The members of the Council Bureau are:

- The Chairman of the Council

- The Vice-Chairman of the Council,

- representative of the CMI (if not the Vice-Chairman of the Council),

- representative of the Czech Metrology Society,

- representative of the Czech Calibration Association,

- representative of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority,

- representative of EUROLAB-CZ The organisational and administrative matters related to the meeting of the Bureau of the Council are provided by the Secretary and the Secretariat of the Council.

6.1.5 Technical Commissions of the Council The establishment of TCs shall be proposed by the Council to the President of the Authority. The Chairperson of the Authority appoints and removes the Chairpersons of the TCs. The members of the TCs are appointed and removed by their Chairpersons. Appointment and removal of TC Chairs and TC members shall be done in consultation with stakeholders. In addition to the permanent members, the TC also has external liaisons, who are invited by the Chair of the TC according to the nature of the issue under discussion. The costs associated with the activities of the Council and its TCs shall be borne by the entity represented through its representative on the Council or TC.

6.1.6 Basic duties of Council members The Chairman of the Council shall direct the work of the Council in accordance with the mission of the Council as determined by its Statutes, on the basis of the programme of activities approved by the Council and on the basis of the instructions of the Chairman of the Authority. The Vice-Chairman of the Council directs the work of the Council on behalf of the Chairman. The Bureau of the Council:

a) prepare the draft programme of work of the Council,

b) prepare proposals for the resolution of individual problems submitted to the Council for its opinion,

c) submit the conclusions of the meetings for confirmation or approval by the Council,

d) keep the Council informed of its activities at all times. The Secretary to the Council

The Secretary of the Council shall ensure the administrative and organisational work related to the activities of the Council, its Bureau and its Secretariat, in particular:

a) maintaining the files of the Council and the Bureau of the Council,

b) organising meetings of the Council and the Bureau of the Council. Members of the Council:

a) attend Council meetings in person and actively contribute their expertise to the performance of the Council's tasks in accordance with its mission,

b) express their opinion and the opinions of the entities they represent on the materials presented and discussed and formulate opinions, recommendations and proposals of the Council,

c) in the event of disagreement with the conclusions adopted by the Council, they may formulate their opinions in the minutes.

6.1.7 Meetings of the Council and its Bureau Meetings of the Council and of the Bureau of the Council shall be convened by the Secretary of the Council in agreement with the President of the Authority and the President of the Council. Meetings of the Council shall normally be held twice a year, and meetings of the Bureau as required. An invitation to the meeting, stating the place, time, agenda and necessary documents for the meeting, shall be circulated so that members of the Council or Bureau receive it at least 14 days before the meeting. Meetings of the Council and of the Bureau of the Council shall be chaired by the President of the Council, or in his absence by the Vice-President of the Council, or by another member of the Council designated by the President. The Council and the Bureau of the Council shall adopt conclusions by consensus or by vote. The Council and the Bureau of the Council shall constitute a quorum if a majority of the members are present. A motion that receives a supermajority of the votes of the members present shall be deemed adopted. In exceptional cases, the approval of a proposal may be carried out "per rollam" in accordance with the principles set out in this Article. A record of the results of the vote shall be submitted to the next Council meeting. The opinion of the invited experts is in the nature of a recommendation. Minutes of the meetings of the Council and the Bureau of the Council shall be taken by the Secretary of the Council. The minutes shall state:

a) the number and names of the members present or invited experts,

b) a brief summary of the content of the meeting,

c) recommendations and proposals of the Council or the Bureau of the Council for the approval, completion or rejection of the material discussed. At the conclusion of its meetings, the Council or the Bureau of the Council shall approve the conclusions of the meeting. The Chairperson of the Council shall approve and sign the minutes. The minutes signed by the Chairman of the Council shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the Chairman of the Authority for approval and circulated to the members of the Council or Bureau of the Council not later than one week after the meeting. The minutes of the Council meeting are an internal document and are not intended for redistribution, including within the organisation represented. The documents discussed at the Council meeting (placed in the working area of the ÚNMZ website, the so-called PP ÚNMZ) are documents that are intended for Council members. Council members who have been nominated by an organisation or institution may use them within that organisation to form opinions on the materials discussed and for information. However, these documents are not intended for other members of the public.

6.1.8 Meetings of the Council Technical Committees Meetings of the TC shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman. The opinions and proposals of the TC are discussed at the Council (Council Bureau) meeting and the results of this discussion are included in the minutes of the Council (Council Bureau) meeting. The TC materials are attached to the minutes. The Chair of the TC shall be informed by the Secretary of the Council of the outcome of the Council or Council Bureau meeting on the matter on which the TC has provided a proposal or input. Minutes of the TC meeting shall be taken by the Chairman of the TC within the scope of

6.2 Rules of Procedure Council

6.2.1 Basic Obligations of Members Council The Chairman of the Council shall direct the work of the Council in accordance with the mission of the Council as defined in its Statutes, on the basis of the programme of activities approved by the Council and on the basis of the instructions of the Chairman of the Authority. The Vice-President shall direct the work of the Council on behalf of the President. Bureau Council:

a) prepare the draft programme of work of the Council,

b) prepare proposals for the resolution of individual problems submitted to the Council for its opinion,

c) submit the conclusions of the meetings for confirmation or approval by the Council,

d) keep the Council informed of its activities at all times. The Secretary of the Council

The Secretary of the Council shall ensure the administrative and organisational work related to the activities of the Council, its Bureau and its Secretariat, in particular:

a) maintaining the files of the Council and the Bureau of the Council,

b) organising meetings of the Council and the Bureau of the Council. Members of the Council:

a) Attend Council meetings in person and actively contribute their expertise to the performance of the Council's tasks in accordance with its mission,

b) express their opinion and the opinions of the entities they represent on the materials presented and discussed and formulate opinions, recommendations and proposals of the Council,

c) in the event of disagreement with the conclusions adopted by the Council, they may formulate their opinions in the minutes.

6.2.2 Meetings of the Council and its Bureau Meetings of the Council and of the Bureau of the Council shall be convened by the Secretary of the Council in agreement with the President of the Authority and the President of the Council. Meetings of the Council shall normally be held twice a year and meetings of the Bureau as required. An invitation to the meeting, stating the place, time, agenda and necessary documents for the meeting, shall be circulated so that members of the Council or Bureau receive it at least 14 days before the meeting. Meetings of the Council and of the Bureau of the Council shall be chaired by the President of the Council, or in his absence by the Vice-President of the Council, or by another member of the Council designated by the President. The Council and the Bureau of the Council shall adopt conclusions by consensus or by vote. The Council and the Bureau of the Council shall constitute a quorum if more than half of the members are present. A motion that receives a supermajority of the votes of the members present shall be deemed adopted. In exceptional cases, the approval of a proposal may be carried out "per rollam" in accordance with the principles set out in this Article. A record of the results of the vote shall be submitted to the next Council meeting. The opinion of the invited experts is in the nature of a recommendation. Minutes of the meetings of the Council and the Bureau of the Council shall be taken by the Secretary of the Council. The minutes shall state:

a) the number and names of the members present or invited experts,

b) a brief summary of the content of the meeting,

c) recommendations and proposals of the Council or the Bureau of the Council for the approval, completion or rejection of the material discussed. At the conclusion of its meetings, the Council or the Bureau of the Council shall approve the conclusions of the meeting. The Chairperson of the Council shall approve and sign the minutes. The minutes signed by the Chairman of the Council shall be forwarded by the Secretary to the Chairman of the Authority for approval no later than one week after the meeting and circulated to the members of the Council or Bureau of the Council.

6.2.3 Meetings of the Council Technical Committees Meetings of the TC shall be convened and chaired by the Chairman. The opinions and proposals of the TC are discussed at the Council (Council Bureau) meeting and the results of this discussion are included in the minutes of the Council (Council Bureau) meeting. The TC materials are attached to the minutes. The Chair of the TC shall be informed by the Secretary of the Council of the outcome of the Council or Council Bureau meeting on the matter on which the TC has provided a proposal or input. Minutes of the TC meeting shall be taken by the Chairman of the TC within the scope of