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Notification of Members of the Agreement

Previous issues of the ÚNMZ Bulletin can be found at here. Note: Links to documents open in a new browser window as a DOC, DOCX document or start downloading (file size does not exceed 600 kB). Individual Notification are distributed according to the gestors identified by product codes.

January, in a week | 1| 2| 3| 45 |
February, in a week | 67| 8| 9 |
March, in a week | 10| 1112| 13|
April, in a week | 14| 15| 16| 17| 18|
May, in a week | 19| 20| 21| 22|
June, in a week | 23| 24| 2526|
July, in a week | 27| 282930| 31|
August, in a week | 3233| 3435|
September, in the week of | 36| 37| 38| 39|40|
October, in a week | 41| 42| 43| 44|
November, in a week | 45| 46 | 47| 48|
December, in a week | 49| 50| 51| 52|

Weekly summaries notifications Members Agreements WTO/TBT 2008-2023