Government Regulation No. 339/2002 Coll. on procedures for providing information in the field of technical regulations, technical documents and technical standards
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GOVERNMENT REGULATION No. 339/2002 Coll. (PDF; 1.06 MB) of 3 July 2002 on procedures for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations, technical documents and technical standards.
GOVERNMENT REGULATION No 339/2002 Coll. has been amended Government Regulation No. 178/2004 Coll., (PDF; 573,6 kB) (No 60 of 21.4.2004) and Government Regulation No. 25/2014 Coll., (PDF; 155,493 kB) (No. 11 of 19.2.2014)
Consolidated working version of NV No. 339/2002 Coll., (DOCX; 155,493 kB) as amended by NV No. 178/2004 Coll. and NV No. 25/2014 Coll.