Site Map
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- About office
- List of Government Regulations implementing Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on conformity assessment of specified products when making available on the market
- Working Consolidated Text of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on Technical Requirements for Products
- Act 90_16_en_working translation
- Act No. 505/1990 Coll., on Metrology, as later amended
- Decree No. 345/2002 Coll., setting down measuring instruments which are subject to legal control
- Directly applicable EU legislation concerning the scope of the UNMZ
- Act No. 20/1993 Coll. on the Organisation of the State Administration in the Field of Standards, Metrology and Testing
- Government Order No. 339/2002 Coll. laying down procedures for the provision of information in the field of technical regulations, technical documents and standards, as amended by Goverment Order No. 178/2004 Coll.
- Contact
- Links
- Mandatory disclosed information
- Development in metrology
- Testing
- Transposition of technical regulations
- Office
- Conference Centre of the ÚNMZ - ČAS
- About the Office
- Government Order No. 339/2002 Coll., Laying Down Procedures for the Provision of Information in the Field of Technical Regulations, Technical Documents and Technical Standards, as amended by Government Order No. 178/2004 Coll. and Government Order No. 25/2014 Coll.
- Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on technical requirements for products and on changes and amendments to some act (working compiled English version)
- Metrology legislation
- Directly applicable EU legislation relating to the competence of the Office
- EC REGULATION No 765/2008 - Requirements for accreditation and market surveillance relating to the marketing of products
- EU REGULATION No 1025/2012 - on European Standardisation
- Regulation (EU) 2016/424 on cableway installations
- Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on personal protective equipment
- EU REGULATION 2016/426 - on gaseous fuel appliances
- Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices
- Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices
- Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 laying down rules on the making available on the market of EU fertilising products
- Regulation (EU) 2019/945 on unmanned aircraft systems and on third-country operators of unmanned aircraft systems
- EU REGULATION No 305/2011 - Conditions for the marketing of construction products
- Government Regulation No. 339/2002 Coll. on procedures for providing information in the field of technical regulations, technical documents and technical standards
- Declaration of accessibility
- List of Government Orders implementing Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on the Assessment of Conformity of Specified Products When Making Them Available on the Market
- Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on Conformity Assessment of Specified Products When Making them Available on the Market (working compiled English version)
- Act No. 20/1993 Coll., on Safeguarding the Organisation of the State Administration in the Field of Technical Standardization, Metrology and Testing
- ÚNMZ booklets
- Official Notice Board
- ÚNMZ Journal
- Site Map
- Home page - HomePage
- Metrology
- Metrology News
- Authorization
- Metrology Magazine
- Metrology system
- Methodological guidelines and technical regulations
- Methodological Guidelines for Metrology (MPM)
- National metrology system of the Czech Republic
- Standards and technical regulations for the MID and NAWI Directives
- Measures of a general nature
- Metrology legislation
- Czech national standards
- 1. National Standard of Time and Frequency
- 11. National Standard of Magnetic Flux
- 12. National Standard of Magnetic Flux Density
- 13. National Standard of Hardness Scale Rockwell – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T
- 14. National Standard of Hardness Scale Vickers
- 15. National Standard of Hardness Scale Brinell
- 16. National Standard of RF Power
- 17. National Standard of Gauge Pressure, Negative Gauge Pressure and Absolute Pressure in a Gaseous Medium
- 18. National Standard of Gauge Pressure in Liquid Medium
- 19. National ESZ Force Standard 1 MN
- 2. National Standard of Radionuclide Activity
- 20. National ESZ Force Standard 200 kN
- 21. National Standard of Volume Moisture of Grain
- 22. National Standard for Small Overpressure, Underpressure and Differential Pressure in Gaseous Media
- 23. National Standard of Reflection and Transmission Coefficient
- 24. National Standard of Electromagnetic Field Strength
- 25. National Standard of Electrical Power and Energy at Industrial Frequencies
- 27. National Standard of Surface Roughness
- 28. National Temperature Standard for Contact Measurement
- 29. National Standard of Capacitance
- 3. National Standard of Neutron Fluence Rate and Spectral Fluence Rate
- 30. National Standard of Plane Angle
- 31. National ESZ Force Standard 3 kN
- 32. National Standard of Torque EZMS 1 kN.m
- 33. National Standard of Vacuum
- 35. National Standard of Flow of Technical Liquids
- 36. National Standard of Length
- 37. National Standard of Pressure Differentials
- 38. National Standard of AC Current Ratio of Industrial Frequency 50 Hz
- 39. National Standard of Total Radiant Flux of Visible Radiation
- 4. National Standard for Neutron Emission Rrom Radionuclide Sources
- 40. National Standard of Gravitational Acceleration
- 41. National Standard of Length 25 m to 1450 m
- 42. National ESZ Force Standard 20 kN
- 43. National Standard of DC Electrical Resistance
- 44. National Standard of Radiant Flux for UV Spektrum
- 45. National Standard of AC Voltage Ratio of Industrial Frequency 50 Hz
- 46. National Standard of Large Weight 500 kg
- 47. National Standard of Radiant Flux for IR Spectrum
- 48. National Standard of Low Mass Flow GFS
- 49. National Standard of Exposure, Exposure Rate, Air Kerma and Air Kerma Rate from Photon Radiation
- 50. National Standard of Absorbed Dose to Water and Absorbed Dose Rate to Water from Photon Radiation
- 51. National Standard of DC Voltage
- 52. National Standard of Torque EZMS 100 N.m
- 53. National Standard of Gas Humidity
- 54. National Standard of High Vacuum
- 55. National Standard of Air Flow
- 56. National Standard of Length and Shape in the Field of Nanometrology
- 57. National Standard of pH Quantity
- 58. National Temperature Standard for Non-contact Measurement
- 59. National ESZ Force Standard 500 N
- 60. National Standard of Air Humidity at Atmospheric Pressure
- 61. National Standard of Electrolytic Conductivity
- 62. National Standard of Very Small Liquid Flows
- 63. National Standard of Geometric Dimensions of 3D Objects
- 64. National standard of Thermal Neutron Fluence Rate
- 65 State force standard ESZ 10 N
- 66 EZMS National Moment of Force Standard 10 N.m
- 67 - State standard of substance quantity
- 68. National Standard of Torque EZMS 10 kN.m
- 69 National low air velocity standard
- 7. National Standard of Weight
- 70 National standard of electrical power and work
- 71. National Standard of Frequency and Wavelength Based on Ytterbium ion
- 8. Bell Prover National Standard of Gas Flow in the Range of 0.5 m3/h to 280 m3/h
- 9. National Standard of Gas Flow in the Range 0,15 m3/h to 17 m3/h
- Technical metrology regulations (TPM)
- Terminology in metrology
- International organisations
- Metrology Council
- Development in metrology
- Metrology Development Concept 2012 - 2016
- Metrology Development Conception 2017-2021
- Metrology Development Conception until 2011
- Standardisation plan - metrology development programme
- Metrology Development Programme
- Selected outputs from the metrology development programme
- Innovation and metrology in practice
- Heat Meters
- Metrology in chemistry
- Assessment of accredited calibration laboratories
- Practical guides for using electronic scales
- Practice of calibration laboratories
- Practice of calibration laboratories
- Translations of OIML Recommendations
- Translations of WELMEC instruction documents
- Calibration, methodology and HBZ tasks
- Sample calibration procedures and methodologies for operational measurements
- Evaluation of the metrology development programme
- Selected outputs from the metrology development programme
- Dictionaries
- Metrology
- Testing
- Information portal - Regulations and standards
- Information portal - Building products
- Information portal - Construction products
- Legislation
- Information portal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade specialising in legal and technical documents in the field of placing construction products on the European market
- New legislative framework
- List of Government Regulations to implement Act No. 22/1997 Coll.
- List of Government Orders implementing Act No. 90/2016 Coll., on the Assessment of Conformity of Specified Products When Making Them Available on the Market
- Abbreviations of EU regulations
- Conformity Assessment Commission
- Instructions and download information
- Advisory bodies and participation in EC working bodies
- Testing Development Programme
- List of AO and OS and UNO
- List of AO and OS UNO
- Specified products
- Aerosol dispensers
- Cooling equipment.
- In vitro diagnostic medical devices.
- Low voltage electrical equipment.
- Electromagnetic compatibility.
- Noise emissions
- Fertilisers
- Toys
- Interoperability of the European rail system.
- Simple pressure vessels.
- Boat equipment
- Gauges
- Personal protective equipment.
- Transportable pressure equipment.
- Pyrotechnic products.
- Radio equipment
- Recreational craft.
- Gaseous fuel appliances.
- Building products.
- Machinery.
- Pressure equipment.
- Efficiency of new hot water boilers.
- Scales with non-automatic operation.
- Selected equipment for nuclear power
- Selected products.
- Explosives for civilian use.
- Lifts
- Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
- Passenger transport equipment.
- Medical devices.
- Useful links
- Information portal - Regulations and standards
- International relations
- International Relations
- International Relations News
- Bilateral cooperation
- EU
- European Commission
- Commission on Technical Barriers to Trade (KTPO)
- Contact point for Directive 2015/1535/EU
- Update of the supplement to the methodological guidelines
- Information on notifications of technical regulations for entrepreneurs, manufacturers, importers...
- Leaflet by the European Commission - TRIS Don´t let barriers stop your success
- Methodological guidelines
- Government Regulation No. 339/2002 Coll., on procedures for providing information in the field of technical regulations, technical documents and technical standards
- Directive (EU) 2015/1535 of the European Parliament and of the Council
- Brief instructions for the new TRIS - TBT database
- Interpretive material on Directive 2015/1535/EU
- Template for creating a new draft notification in the TRIS-TBT database and list of product codes
- European Commission request for compliance with the requirements for adopted/final texts
- Basic information
- Outputs of the Technical Regulations Committee
- Council of the EU
- Other
- Projects
- AO/OS/UNO - current list as of 6.1.2020
- Association of Accredited and Authorised Organisations
- Certification Association for Personnel
- Czech Welding Society ANB
- Československý Lloyd spol.s r.o.
- Czech Metrology Institute
- Czech Welding Institute, s.r.o
- Czech Bureau for Testing of Weapons and Ammunition
- DOM-ZO 13, s.r.o.
- Electrotechnical Testing Institute, s.p.
- Physical Technical Testing Institute, s.p.
- HEATEST, s. r. o.
- IKATES, s.r.o.
- Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s.
- LL-C (Certification) Czech Republic a.s.
- Mendel University in Brno
- Ministry of the Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Technical Institute of Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Interior
- PAVUS, a.s.
- RAILTEST, a.s.
- SILMOS-Q s.r.o.
- Road development - ZDZ spol.s r.o.
- State Machine Testing Plant, a.s.
- STAVCERT, interest association of legal persons
- Engineering Testing Institute, s.p.
- TDS Brno - Section of Materials and Welding, p. s.
- Technical Laboratories Opava, a.s.
- Technical and Testing Institute of Construction Prague, s.p.
- TESYDO, s.r.o.
- Textile Testing Institute, s.p.
- TÜV AUSTRIA CZECH spol.s r.o.
- TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.
- United Registrar of Systems Czech, s.r.o.
- Military Technical Institute, s.p.
- VVUU, a.s.
- University of Mining and Metallurgy - Technical University of Ostrava
- Wood Research and Development Institute, Prague, s.p.
- Research Institute of Occupational Safety, v.v.i.
- Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, s.r.o.
- Research Institute for Brown Coal, a.s.
- Railway Research Institute, a.s.
- Stone and Aggregate Testing Plant, s.r.o.