Bulletin 1999/12
ÚNMZ Journal
Number 12
Section 1. Czech technical standards
ÚNMZ No. 79/99 on the determination of harmonised standards p.
CSNI No. 105/99 on the issue of CSNs, their amendments, corrections and cancellations p.
Editor's note p.
ČSNI No. 106/99 on approval of European and international standards for direct use as ČSN p.
CSNI No. 107/99 on the public consultation of ETSI draft standards p.
CSNI No. 108/99 on the issue of ETSI standards p.
CSNI No. 109/99 on proposals for repeal of CSN p.
ČSNI No. 110/99 on the start of drafting of Czech technical standards p.
CSNI No. 111/99 on approved European standards and other CEN documents - see Annex p.
Section 2. Metrology
ÚNMZ No. 76/99 on the issuance of the Decision on set meters No. M - 108/99 p.
ÚNMZ No. 77/99 on approval of types of measuring instruments for the third quarter of 1999 p.
ÚNMZ No. 82/99 on the publication of lists of organisations authorised to perform official measurements p.
Section 3. Authorisation
ÚNMZ No. 67/99 on granting authorization to ITI TÜV, s.r.o., Prague 4, AO 211 p.
ÚNMZ No. 68/99 on granting authorisation to the Engineering Testing Institute, Brno, AO 202 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 69/99 on granting authorization to the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, AO 209 p.
ÚNMZ No. 70/99 on granting authorisation to the Centre for Information and Testing of Packaging - CIMTO, s. p.,
Prague 4, AO 215 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 71/99 on granting authorization to the Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification
companies, s.r.o., Prague 10, AO 227 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 72/99 on granting authorisation to the Testing Institute of Light Industry, s. p,
České Budějovice, AO 246 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 73/99 on granting authorisation to the Physical Technical Testing Institute, s. p,
Ostrava-Radvanice, AO 210 pp.
74/99 on the granting of authorisation to the Military Technical Institute of Land Forces,
Vyškov, AO 240 pp.
75/99 on granting authorisation to the Military Technical Institute of Land Forces,
Vyškov, AO 240 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 80/99 on granting authorisation to the Engineering Testing Institute, Brno, AO 202 pp.
ÚNMZ No. 81/99 on granting authorization to the Research Institute of Occupational Safety Prague, AO 235 pp.
Section 4. Accreditation.
CIA No. 12/99 on the issue of the accreditation certificate and on the termination of the validity of the accreditation certificate p.
Section 5. Notification
No 78/99 of the WTO Clearing House on Notifications by Members of the Agreement between the EFTA States
and the Czech Republic and the Contracting Parties p.
Section 6. Other notifications