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Basic activities of the Office Departments

Head Office
is, in particular, responsible for coordination of the preparation of documents for President's negotiations and decisions, for human resources management and property management, the organizational, technical and administrative agenda related to external relations of the Office in general; and for issuing internal regulations.

Department of Technical Standardization
is mainly responsible for ensuring the development, publication and proper distribution of Czech technical standards, standardization documents and publications, for ensuring professional activities related to the publication and proper distribution of Czech technical standards to the extent and under the conditions stipulated by the Act No. 22/1997 and No. 90/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended; and for cooperation with European and international standards organizations within the competence of the department.

Metrology Department
is particularly responsible for ensuring metrology to the extent provided by the Act No. 505/1990 Coll. on Metrology, as amended; and by decrees issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to implement this Act.

Testing Department
is responsible, in particular, for ensuring the state testing to the extent provided by the Act No. 22/1997 and No. 90/2016 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended; and the governmental orders issued to implement this Act.

Department of International Relations
is responsible primarily for ensuring the fulfilment of competence of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the sphere of convergence of technical regulations of the Czech Republic with the EC legislation with the technical content (hereinafter EC technical regulations), for securing the inter-ministerial organization and coordination of notifications of drafted technical regulations under the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Directive 98/34/EC, for ensuring activities of the sector group Technical Harmonization within the Ministerial Coordination Group of the Ministry of Industry and Trade; and for ensuring international cooperation and general relationships with the EU in the areas covered by the Office. It ensures the implementation of Directive 98/34/EC, as amended.