Building products.
Building products
I. Harmonised area:
Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC, as amended by repairs and amendments to the Annex III a V
II. Unharmonized area
Government Order No. 163/2002 Coll.laying down technical requirements for selected construction products, as amended by Government Regulation No. 312/2005 Coll.. and Government Regulation No. 215/2016 Coll.
List of Notified Bodies (NBs) authorised to perform third party tasks in the procedure for assessment and verification of stability of performance under Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (as of 23 September 2020):
- OS 1014 Electrotechnical Testing Institute, s.p.
- OS 1015 Engineering Testing Institute, s.p.
- OS 1020 Technical and Testing Institute of Construction, s.p.
- OS 1517 STAVCERT, interest association of legal persons
- OS 1388 Road development - ZDZ spol.s r.o.
- OS 1389 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno
- OS 1017 TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.
- OS 1391 PAVUS, a.s.
- OS 1392 Stone and Aggregate Testing Plant, s.r.o.
- OS 1021 Textile Testing Institute, s.p.
- OS 1022 Ministry of the Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Technical Institute of Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Interior
- OS 1393 Wood Research and Development Institute, Prague, s.p.
- OS 1023 Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s.
- OS 1394 IKATES, s.r.o
- OS 1516 Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, s.r.o
- OS 1544 QUALIFORM, a.s.
- OS 1221 TÜV NORD Czech, s.r.o.
- OS 1951 SILMOS-Q, s.r.o.
- OS 2378 TESYDO, s.r.o.
- OS 2435 LL-C (Certification) Czech Republic s.r.o.
- OS 2498 Czech Welding Institute, s.r.o.
- OS 2497 Czech Welding Society ANB
- OS 2078 University of Mining and Metallurgy - Technical University of Ostrava
- OS 2570 DOM - ZO 13, s.r.o.
- OS 2693 HEATEST s.r.o.
- OS 2452 Military Technical Institute, s.p.
- OS 2912 United Registrar of Systems Czech, s.r.o.
List of entities authorized to perform conformity assessment activities for selected construction products according to Government Regulation 163/2002 Coll:
- AO 201 - Electrotechnical Testing Institute, s. p.
- AO 202 - Strojírenský zkušební ústav, s. p.
- AO 204 - Technical and Testing Institute of Construction, s. p.
- AO 205 - STAVCERT, interest association of legal persons
- AO 208 - Road development - ZDZ, s.r.o.
- AO 209 - Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno -
- AO 210 - Physical Technical Testing Institute, s. p.
- AO 211 - TÜV SÜD Czech s. r. o.
- AO 216 - Fire Testing and Research Institute of Construction Prague, a. s.
- AO 218 - Stone and Aggregate Testing Plant, s. r. o.
- AO 219 - Textile Testing Institute, s. p.
- AO 221 - Ministry of the Interior, General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, Technical Institute of Fire Protection of the Ministry of the Interior
- AO 222 - Research and Development Institute of Wood Technology, Prague, s. p.
- AO 224 - Institute for Testing and Certification, Inc.
- AO 225 - IKATES, s. r. o.
- AO 227 - Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, s. r. o.
- AO 238 - QUALIFORM, a. s.
- AO 242 - Research Institute for Brown Coal, a. s.
- AO 254 - SILMOS-Q, s.r.o.
- AO 260 - University of Mining and Metallurgy - Technical University of Ostrava
Coordination of authorised persons/notified bodies
European Union
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