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Current events in ÚNMZ agendas

Working bodies of the European Commission

ÚNMZ provides representation of the Czech Republic in the working bodies of the European Commission - comitology committees and expert groups established by European legislation which fall within the remit of the Authority. A list of these working bodies, including their contact persons, is given on the page directly dedicated to participation in the above-mentioned meetings.

More detailed information on the agenda of the EC working bodies can be obtained at

Membership and priorities of the European Commission

Current The College of the European Commission was approved by the European Parliament on 27 November 2019 and took up its mandate on 1 December 2019, thus starting its five-year term. College President Ursula von der Leyen has made changes to the EC's organisational structure, appointing individual Commissioners as heads of project teams responsible for a specific thematic portfolio. Following the departure of Phil Hogan (Ireland), Trade Affairs within the Commission is now covered by Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia), Economic Affairs is led by Paolo Gentiloni (Italy), Energy Policy by Kadri Simson (Estonia) and Margrethe Vestager (Denmark) is Executive Vice-President for the Digital Age and Competition. Agenda Thierry Breton, a Frenchman, leads the internal market. The Czech Commissioner, Věra Jourová, who holds the post of Vice-President of the EC, is responsible for agenda values and transparency. Details of the EC's staffing, its working methods and the distribution of portfolios among Commissioners are described at the EC website.

On 29 January 2020, the European Commission published the Work Programme 2020, which is available at here, the Commission's priorities are:

- A Green Deal for Europe - to become the world's first climate-neutral continent,

- An economy that works for people - to promote social justice and prosperity,

- A Europe fit for the digital age - empowering citizens with the next generation of technologies,

- Promoting the European way of life - protecting our citizens and our values,

- A stronger Europe in the world - consolidating our responsible leadership in the world.

- A new impetus for European democracy - to develop, protect and deepen our democracy.

The European Commission has continued to build on its priorities in subsequent years. The European Commission has defined its main objectives and priorities for 2023 in its Work Programme of 18 October 2022, entitled "A Union strong and united". The Work Programme consists of a policy communication and five annexes listing (i) the key new legislative and non-legislative proposals that the EC will present this year; (ii) the existing legislation that the EC will review during 2023 under the Regulatory Fitness and Efficiency Programme (REFIT); (iii) proposals already tabled that should be prioritised in their consideration; (iv) pending legislative proposals that the EC intends to withdraw in the next 6 months; and (v) regulations to be repealed. The Work Programme does not include any legislative proposals falling under the direct competence of the Office. Only the annex containing the proposals already tabled which should be given priority for consideration includes the currently pending Proposal for a regulation on construction products and submitted draft directives a Regulation laying down technical rules in relation to the introduction of the Internal Market Emergency Instrument (IMEI).

The current EC Work Programme for 2023 is available for consultation here.