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The Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing, in cooperation with the central state administration authorities (as sources of financial support), through the International Relations Department provides framework cooperation with European and non-European countries and thus contributes significantly to the presentation of its activities at home and abroad. This activity includes the implementation of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia) and other countries (Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Moldova, Mongolia), which the Government has identified as priorities in accordance with the EU foreign policy objectives and goals, according to the territorial priorities of the Czech foreign development cooperation for the individual programming periods.

Individual examples of successful bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the ÚNMZ and the above-mentioned countries can be found here (DOCX; 20 kB).

Successfully implemented development cooperation projects:

Azerbaijan - Twinning 2016 -2018 (DOCX; 29 kB)

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012 - 2014 (DOCX; 34 kB)

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 - 2018 (DOCX; 33 kB)

Bosnia and Herzegovina - UNDP 2020 - 2021 (DOCX; 98 kB)

Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020 - 2024 (DOCX; 101 kB)

Lebanon 2013 - 2014 (DOCX; 20 kB)

Moldova 2016 - 2020 (DOCX; 102 kB)

Mongolia 2011 - 2014 (DOCX; 34kB)

Mongolia 2014 - 2017 (DOCX; 33 kB)

Serbia - Aid for Trade 2015 (DOCX; 27 kB)

Serbia - Twinning 2015 - 2017  (DOCX; 35 kB)

Serbia - Aid for Trade 2018 - 2019 (DOCX; 28 kB)

Serbia - Aid for Trade 2021 - 2022 (DOCX; 29 kB)

Serbia - Aid for Trade 2022 - 2023 (DOCX; 30 kB)

Ukraine - Twinning 2021 - 2023 (DOCX; 38 kB)