Bulletin 1998/09
ÚNMZ Journal
Number 9
Part A - Notification
Section 1. Czech technical standards
ÚNMZ No. 16/98 on the determination of harmonised standards p.
ÚNMZ - Amendment 1 to Notice No.1/98 p.
CSNI No. 28/98 on the issue of Czech technical standards, their amendments, cancellations and corrections of errors p.
Editor's note p.
ČSNI No. 29/98 on approval of European and international standards for direct use as ČSN p.
CSNI No. 30/98 on public consultation on ETSI draft standards p.
CSNI No 31/98 on the issue of ETSI standards p.
CSNI No. 32/98 on proposals for the repeal of CSN p.
CSNI No. 33/98 on the tasks of the standards development included in the plan of p.
CSNI No. 34/98 on approved EN standards and other documents (CENELEC) - see Annex p.
ČSNI No. 35/98 on public consultation of EN standards (CENELEC) - see Annex p.
Section 2. Metrology
ÚNMZ No. 11/98 on approval of types of measuring instruments for the second quarter of 1998 p.
Section 3. Authorisation
ÚNMZ No. 13/98 on granting authorisation to ITI TÜV s.r.o., Prague 4 p.
ÚNMZ No. 14/98 on granting authorisation to a.s. Fire Testing and Research Institute of Construction Prague p.
ÚNMZ No 15/98 on the change of the name of the State Testing Institute of Light Industry
in České Budějovice p.
Section 4. Accreditation
CIA No. 4/98 on the issue of the accreditation certificate and on the termination of the validity of the accreditation certificate p.
Editor's note p.
Section 5. Notification
No.12/98 of the WTO Clearing House on Notifications by Members of the Agreement between the EFTA States
and the Czech Republic and the Contracting Parties p.
Section 6. Other notifications
Part B - Communication
Guidelines for the preparation of the technical standardisation plan for 1999 p.
Communication of the CIA on the conclusion of the Agreement on mutual acceptance of certificates and protocols between the signatories
Multilateral agreements between EA and the Czech Institute for Accreditation p.
Communication of CIA, o.p.s. on the transformation of the Czech Institute for Accreditation into a public benefit corporation p.
Communication of the CIA publishing lists of entities accredited 30.6.1998 p.
Part C - Adopted information