Section 2. Czech technical standards
NOTICE No 71/19
Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing
on the issue of CSNs, their amendments, corrections and cancellations
The Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing, pursuant to Section 4 of Act No. 22/1997 Coll., announces that the following CSNs have been issued, amended, corrected or cancelled.
The validity of CSNs, their amendments and corrections generally begins on the first day of the month following the month of issue, unless otherwise specified.
Standards marked
*) adopt international or European standards by adopting the original.
For amendments and corrections that change the title of the standard and are issued under a changed title, the new title is given first. In such cases, the original title of the standard is given in brackets for information.
1. ČSN ISO 14827-3 (01 8270) 508146 |
Traffic Information |
2. ČSN ISO 29281-2 (01 8405) 508049 |
Smart Its issuance cancels |
CHSN ISO 29281-2 (01 8405) |
Intelligent Transport Systems - Communication Infrastructure |
3. HCN EN ISO 2085 (03 8650) 508174 |
Anodic oxidation Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 2085 (03 8650) |
Anodic oxidation of aluminium and its alloys - Control |
4. HCN EN ISO 3211 (03 8650) 508175 |
Anodic oxidation Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 3211 (03 8650) |
Anodic oxidation of aluminium and its alloys - Determination |
5. HCN EN ISO 8994 (03 8650) 508209 |
Anodic oxidation Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 8994 (03 8650) |
Anodic oxidation of aluminium and its alloys - Evaluation system |
6. HCN EN ISO 14114 (05 2122) 507781 |
Equipment for Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 14114 (05 2122) |
Flame welding equipment - Acetylene distributors |
7. ČSN EN IEC 60974-14 (05 2205) 508034 |
Equipment for With effect from 2021-11-23 is repealed |
EN 50504 (05 2203) |
Arc welding equipment validation; Announced: |
8. ČSN EN 12645 (25 7013) 505657 |
Pressure gauges in Its issuance cancels |
EN 12645 (25 7013) |
Tyre Pressure Gauges - Instruments for checking |
9. ČSN ISO 1070 (25 9315) 508057 |
Hydrometry - Its issuance cancels |
CSN ISO 1070 (25 9315) |
Measurement of fluid flow in open channels. Method |
10. ČSN EN 81-28+AC (27 4003) 507132 |
Security Its issuance cancels |
EN 81-28 (27 4003) |
Safety regulations for the construction and installation of lifts - |
11. ČSN EN 81-71+AC (27 4003) 507133 |
Security Its issuance cancels |
EN 81-71 (27 4003) |
Safety regulations for the construction and installation of lifts - |
With effect from 2020-05-31 is repealed |
EN 81-71+A1 (27 4003) |
Safety regulations for the construction and installation of lifts - |
12. ČSN ISO 20035 (30 0650) 508024 |
Smart |
13. ČSN ISO 22241-1 (30 2460) 507989 |
Diesel engines - Its issuance cancels |
HSN ISO 22241-1 (30 2460) |
Diesel engines - NOx reduction reagent, aqueous solution |
14. HCN EN ISO 10087 (32 1020) 508204 |
Small vessels - Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 10087 (32 1020) |
Small craft - Hull identification - Code |
15. CHSN IEC 60050-821 (33 0050) 505799 |
International Its issuance cancels |
CCN IEC 60050-821 (33 0050) |
International Electrotechnical Dictionary - Chapter 821: |
16. CSN 33 2000-5-56 ed. 3 508172 |
Electric With effect from 2021-12-07 is repealed |
CSN 33 2000-5-56 ed. 2 |
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-56: Selection and |
17. EN IEC 60079-15 ed. 4 508137 |
Explosive atmospheres - With effect from 2022-04-19 is repealed |
EN 60079-15 ed. 3 (33 2320) |
Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Type-protected equipment |
18. EN IEC 61000-3-2 ed. 5 508010 |
Electromagnetic With effect from 2022-03-01 is repealed |
CSN EN 61000-3-2 ed. 4 (33 3432) |
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - |
19. EN IEC 60674-3-2 ed. 2 508163 |
Specifications With effect from 2022-06-14 is repealed |
EN 60674-3-2 (34 6573) |
Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: |
20. EN IEC 61051-1 ed. 2 508135 |
Varistors for With effect from 2021-12-03 is repealed |
EN 61051-1 (35 8080) |
Varistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1: |
21. EN IEC 60793-2-50 ed. 6 508050 |
Optical fibres - With effect from 2022-01-18 is repealed |
EN 60793-2-50 edition 5 (35 9213) |
Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specification - Subparts |
22. ČSN EN IEC 62149-10 508058 |
Fibre optic |
23. EN IEC 60601-2-16 ed. 3 508029 |
Medical With effect from 2022-05-24 is repealed |
EN 60601-2-16 ed. 2 (36 4801) |
Medical electrical apparatus - Part 2-16: Particular |
24. EN IEC 80601-2-30 ed. 2 508027 |
Medical With effect from 2022-05-24 is repealed |
EN 80601-2-30 (36 4801) |
Medical electrical apparatus - Part 2-30: Particular |
25. EN IEC 60601-2-39 ed. 3 508025 |
Medical With effect from 2022-05-24 is repealed |
EN 60601-2-39 ed. 2 (36 4801) |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-39: Particular |
26. CHSN ISO/IEC 20924 (36 9020) 508014 |
Internet of Things (IoT) |
27. ČSN ISO 7112 (47 6010) 508153 |
Forestry machinery - Its issuance cancels |
CSN ISO 7112 (47 6010) |
Forestry Machinery - Portable brush cutters and grass trimmers |
28. EN ISO 6887-4 (56 0102) 508133 |
Microbiology Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 6887-4 (56 0102) |
Microbiology of the food chain - Modification of analytical |
29TH CSN ISO 48-2 (62 1433) 508043 |
Rubber, vulcanised Its issuance cancels |
CSN ISO 48 (62 1433) |
Rubber, vulcanised or thermoplastic elastomer - |
30. ART. EN 1762 (63 5440) 508045 |
Rubber hoses and Its issuance cancels |
EN 1762 (63 5440) |
Rubber hoses and hoses with end caps for liquefied petroleum |
31. ČSN EN 438-2+A1 (64 7501) 508044 |
High Pressure Its issuance cancels |
EN 438-2 (64 7501) |
High Pressure Decorative Laminates (HPL) - Baseboards |
32. EN 589 (65 6503) 508150 |
Motor fuels - Its issuance cancels |
EN 589+A1 (65 6503) |
Motor Fuels - Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) - Technical |
33. ČSN EN 16140 (72 1190) 508134 |
Test methods Its issuance cancels |
EN 16140 (72 1190) |
Test methods for natural stone - Determination of sensitivity |
34. CSN EN 13369 ed. 2 (72 3001) 508040 |
Common provisions With effect from 2021-04-30 is repealed |
EN 13369 (72 3001) |
Common provisions for precast concrete products; Edition: |
Its issuance cancels |
CSN EN 13369 ed. 2 (72 3001) |
Common provisions for precast concrete; Promulgated: |
35. HSN EN ISO 12631 (73 0321) 507788 |
Thermal behaviour Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 12631 (73 0321) |
Thermal behaviour of lightweight envelopes - Calculation |
36. HSN EN ISO 7345 (73 0553) 507789 |
Thermal behaviour Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 7345 (73 0553) |
Thermal behaviour of buildings and building components - Physical |
37. EN 17037 (73 0582) 508154 |
Day lighting Its issuance cancels |
CSN 73 0581 |
Illumination of buildings and outdoor spaces - Method of determination |
EN 17037 (73 0582) |
Daylighting in buildings; Announced: May 2019 |
38. EN 1364-5 (73 0853) 508143 |
Fire testing Its issuance cancels |
EN 1364-5 (73 0853) |
Fire resistance testing of non-load bearing members - Part 5: |
39. ČSN EN 15882-1+A1 (73 0856) 508144 |
Extended application Its issuance cancels |
EN 15882-1+A1 (73 0856) |
Extended application of fire resistance test results |
40. EN 1090-4 (73 2601) 508064 |
Implementation of steel Its issuance cancels |
EN 1090-4 (73 2601) |
Execution of steel and aluminium structures - Part 4: |
41. EN 14702-3 (75 8060) 508168 |
Characterisation of sludge |
42. EN ISO 11393-1 (83 2770) 508165 |
Protective clothing for Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 11393-1 (83 2770) |
Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part |
43. EN ISO 11393-3 (83 2770) 508166 |
Protective clothing for Its issuance cancels |
EN ISO 11393-3 (83 2770) |
Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part |
44. ČSN EN 16121+A1 (91 0414) 507994 |
Non-residential storage Its issuance cancels |
ČSN EN 16121+A1 (91 0414) |
Non-domestic storage furniture - Safety requirements, |
45. HSN ISO 24534-5 (01 8350) 508053 |
Automatic Change Amd. 1*); |
46. EN 81-71+A1 (27 4003) 508019 |
Security Change Z2; Its issuance cancels |
Amendment Z1; Issue: March 2019 |
47. CCN IEC 60050-617 (33 0050) 508170 |
International Change A3; |
48. CCN IEC 50(691) (33 0050) 508052 |
International Change A1; |
49. CSN EN 50438 ed. 2 (33 0127) 508008 |
Requirements for Change Z2; |
50. CSN 33 2000-5-56 ed. 2 508173 |
Electric Change Z4; |
51. EN 60079-15 ed. 3 508138 |
Explosive atmospheres - Change Z1; |
52. CSN EN 61000-3-2 ed. 4 508011 |
Electromagnetic Change Z1; |
53. CCN IEC 50(161) (33 4201) 508009 |
International Change A8; |
54. EN 60674-3-2 (34 6573) 508164 |
Plastic films for Change Z1; |
55. EN 60947-4-1 ed. 3 508188 |
Switching and control Change Z1; |
56. CSN EN 60793-2-50 ed. 5 508051 |
Optical fibres - Change Z1; |
57. CSN 36 0011-1 508155 |
Lighting measurement Change Z1; |
58. CSN 36 0011-2 508156 |
Lighting measurement Change Z1; |
59. CSN 36 0020 508157 |
Associated lighting; Change Z1; |
60. CSN EN 60188 ed. 2 (36 0230) 508047 |
High pressure mercury Amendment A11*); |
61. EN 60601-2-16 ed. 2 508030 |
Medical Change Z1; |
62. EN 80601-2-30 (36 4801) 508028 |
Medical Change Z1; |
63. EN 60601-2-39 ed. 2 508026 |
Medical Change Z1; |
64. EN ISO 472 (64 0001) 508042 |
Plastics - Glossary; Change A1; (idt |
65. EN 13369 (72 3001) 508152 |
Common provisions Change Z2; Its issuance cancels |
Amendment Z1; Issue: October 2018 |
66. CSN 73 0580-1 508159 |
Day lighting Change Z3; |
67. CSN 73 0580-2 508160 |
Day lighting Change Z1; |
68. CSN 73 0580-3 508161 |
Day lighting Change Z3; |
69. CSN 73 0580-4 508162 |
Day lighting Change Z3; |
70. ČSN 73 4301 508158 |
Residential buildings; Change Z4; |
71. EN ISO 10079-1 ed. 2 508048 |
Medical Change A1; (idt |
72. EN 50463-2 ed. 2 508169 |
Railway equipment - Correction 1; |
73. EN IEC 60335-2-76 ed. 3 |
Household and similar electrical appliances - Its abolition shall abolish EN 60335-2-76 ed. 2 Amendment Z1; Issue May 2019; Revoked |
74. CHSN ISO 22004 (56 9610) |
Food safety management systems - Instructions for use |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
NOTICE No 72/19
Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing
information on
approval of European standards for direct use as CSN
Office for
technical standardisation, metrology and state testing pursuant to Section 4 of Act No.
22/1997 Coll. announces that the English versions of the following European standards have been
approved for direct use as CSN.
If the
the term "harmonized standard" is given in the name of the CSN, it is the Czech
the translation of this term in the title of the European standard being transposed
(telecommunications line). In the Czech Republic, this CSN will become harmonized in
within the meaning of § 4a of Act No. 22/1997/Sb., on technical requirements for products and on
amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended by Act No. 71/2000 Coll., on the basis of
publication of the relevant European standard as harmonised in the Official Journal
European Communities.
This fact
The Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing shall announce in
Bulletin of the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing with
indicating the technical regulation of the Czech Republic to which this standard refers
For standards and amendments marked +) is being prepared
taking over by translation.
For amendments and corrections that change the title of the standard and are issued
already under a changed name, the new name is given in the first place. The original name
of the standard is given in brackets in these cases for information.
1. ČSN EN 17161 (01 0393) 507369 |
Design for all |
2. EN ISO 4869-1 (01 1640) 507375 |
Acoustics - Protectors Its promulgation repeals |
CSN ISO 4869-1 (01 1640) |
Acoustics. Hearing protectors. Part 1: Subjective method |
3. EN ISO 4869-2 (01 1640) 507376 |
Acoustics - Protectors Its promulgation repeals |
CSN ISO 4869-2 (01 1640) |
Acoustics. Hearing protectors - Part 2: Estimation of sound pressure levels A for |
4. HCN EN ISO 7779 (01 1652) 507372 |
Acoustics - Measurements Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 7779 (01 1652) |
Acoustics - Measurement of airborne, radiated noise |
5. EN ISO 17201-1 (01 1690) 507373 |
Acoustics - Noise Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 17201-1 (01 1690) |
Acoustics - Rifle range noise - Part 1: Determination of shot noise at |
6. ČSN EN 17120 (01 2074) 507371 |
Photocatalysis - |
7. CCN EN ISO 11148-13 (23 9060) 507382 |
Non-electric handheld |
8. ČSN EN 1434-5+A1 (25 8511) 507383 |
Heat Meters - Its promulgation repeals |
EN 1434-5 (25 8511) |
Heat meters - Part 5: Tests for initial verification; |
9. ČSN EN 1434-6+A1 (25 8511) 507384 |
Heat Meters - Its promulgation repeals |
EN 1434-6 (25 8511) |
Heat meters - Part 6: Installation, commissioning, |
10. ČSN EN 16842-9 (26 8818) 507385 |
Motorised trolleys - |
11. ČSN EN 14033-4 (28 1005) 507386 |
Railway applications |
12. EN ISO 15118-4 (30 0559) 507387 |
Road vehicles - |
13. EN ISO 15118-5 (30 0559) 507388 |
Road vehicles - |
14. EN ISO 15118-8 (30 0559) 507389 |
Road vehicles - |
15. ČSN EN 4859 (31 3011) 507391 |
Aviation and |
16. ČSN EN 2288 (31 4863) 507390 |
Aviation and Its promulgation repeals |
EN 2288 (31 4863) |
Aerospace. Bearing bushings with flange made of |
17. ČSN EN 50549-1 (33 0127) 507394 |
Requirements for With effect from 2022-02-01 is repealed |
CSN EN 50438 ed. 2 (33 0127) |
Requirements for parallel connection of microgenerators with |
18. ČSN EN 50549-2 (33 0127) 507393 |
Requirements for |
19. ČSN EN 50341-2-24 (33 3300) 507392 |
Electric outdoor |
20. EN IEC 60947-4-1 ed. 4 507606 |
Switching and control With effect from 2022-03-22 is repealed |
EN 60947-4-1 ed. 3 (35 4101) |
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-1: |
21. CHSN P CEN ISO/TS 21805 507396 |
Instructions for |
22. EN ISO 683-3 (42 0931) 507398 |
Steel for thermal Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 683-3 (42 0931) |
Heat treatment steels, alloy steels and steels |
23. EN 707 (47 0625) 507399 |
Agricultural machinery - Its promulgation repeals |
EN 707+A1 (47 0625) |
Agricultural machinery - Graders - Safety; Issue: January |
24. ČSN EN 17228 (64 0515) 507638 |
Plastics - Polymers, Its promulgation repeals |
CCN P CEN/TS 16137 (64 0260) |
Plastics - Determination of natural carbon content; Announced: |
CCN P CEN/TS 16295 (64 0261) |
Plastics - Declaration of natural carbon content; Declared: |
CCN P CEN/TS 16398 (64 0515) |
Plastics - Content reporting and notification template |
25. EN ISO 21301-1 (64 3040) 507635 |
Plastics - Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 4613-1 (64 3040) |
Plastics - Ethylene vinyl acetate (E/VAC) for moulding - Part 1: |
26. EN ISO 21301-2 (64 3040) 507634 |
Plastics - Ethylene vinyl acetate Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 4613-2 (64 0217) |
Plastics - Ethylene vinyl acetate (E/VAC) materials for |
27. EN ISO 21309-1 (64 3901) 507641 |
Plastics - Copolymers Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 14663-1 (64 3901) |
Plastics - Copolymers of ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) for |
28. EN ISO 21309-2 (64 3901) 507642 |
Plastics - Copolymers Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 14663-2 (64 3901) |
Plastics - Copolymers of ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) for |
29. EN ISO 21305-1 (64 4420) 507636 |
Plastics - Materials Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 7391-1 (64 4420) |
Polycarbonate (PC) materials for moulding and extrusion - |
30. EN ISO 21305-2 (64 4420) 507637 |
Plastics - Materials Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 7391-2 (64 4420) |
Polycarbonate (PC) materials for moulding and extrusion - |
31. EN ISO 20558-1 (64 5706) 507639 |
Plastics - |
32. EN ISO 20558-2 (64 5706) 507640 |
Plastics - |
33. P CEN ISO/TS 15875-7 507631 |
Plastic piping Its promulgation repeals |
HSN P CEN ISO/TS 15875-7 (64 6413) |
Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water distribution |
34. CCN P CEN ISO/TS 15877-7 507630 |
Plastic piping Its promulgation repeals |
HSN P CEN ISO/TS 15877-7 (64 6414) |
Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water distribution |
35. CCN P CEN ISO/TS 15876-7 507632 |
Plastic piping Its promulgation repeals |
CCN P CEN ISO/TS 15876-7 (64 6416) |
Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water distribution |
36. HSN P CEN ISO/TS 22391-7 507633 |
Plastic piping Its promulgation repeals |
HSN P CEN ISO/TS 22391-7 (64 6425) |
Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water distribution |
37. EN 12310-2 (72 7636) 507650 |
Waterproofing strips Its promulgation repeals |
EN 12310-2 (72 7636) |
Waterproofing tapes and sheets - Determination of resistance to |
38. EN 16002 (72 7658) 507651 |
Waterproofing strips Its promulgation repeals |
EN 16002 (72 7658) |
Waterproofing tapes and sheets - Determination of resistance to |
39. ČSN EN 17087 (72 8014) 507424 |
Building products - |
40. EN 15269-1 (73 0868) 508171 |
Extended application Its promulgation repeals |
EN 15269-1 (73 0868) |
Extended application of fire resistance test results |
41. EN 13146-1 (73 6375) 507427 |
Railway applications Its promulgation repeals |
EN 13146-1+A1 (73 6375) |
Railway applications - Railways - Methods of testing systems |
42. EN 13146-7 (73 6375) 507426 |
Railway applications Its promulgation repeals |
EN 13146-7 (73 6375) |
Railway applications - Railways - Methods of testing systems |
43. EN 17075 (75 7060) 507431 |
Water quality - |
44. EN 12873-3 (75 7333) 507434 |
Influence of materials on Its promulgation repeals |
EN 12873-3 (75 7333) |
Impact of materials on water for human consumption - Impact |
45. HSN EN ISO 11704 (75 7608) 507433 |
Water quality - Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 11704 (75 7608) |
Water quality - Measurement of total alpha activity and total |
46. HSN EN ISO 10634 (75 7776) 507432 |
Water quality - Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 10634 (75 7776) |
Water quality - Guidelines for preparation and treatment in water |
47. EN 17123 (75 7788) 507429 |
Water quality - Instructions |
48. EN 14701-4 (75 8061) 507430 |
Characterisation of sludge Its promulgation repeals |
EN 14701-4 (75 8061) |
Characterisation of sludges - Filtration properties - Part 4: Determination |
49. EN 17177 (77 1039) 507436 |
Glass packaging - |
50. EN 343 (83 2761) 507674 |
Protective clothing - Its promulgation repeals |
EN 343+A1 (83 2761) |
Protective clothing - Rain protection; Issue: March 2008
51. EN ISO 19115-2 (97 9834) 507465 |
Geographic Its promulgation repeals |
EN ISO 19115-2 (97 9834) |
Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for
52. EN 50504 (05 2203) 508035 |
Device validation Change Z1; Applicable EN IEC 60974-14 (05) applies in parallel with this standard. |
53. ČSN EN 61051-1 (35 8080) 508136 |
Varistors for Change Z1; Applicable In parallel with this standard, EN IEC 61051-1 ed. |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
NOTICE No 73/19
Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing
information on
start of drafting of Czech technical standards
On the basis of § 6
Act No. 22/1997 Coll. publishes the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and
state testing of the list of tasks for the creation of Czech technical standards, newly
included in the plan.
Anyone who has
interest in becoming a participant in the comment procedure on the proposals of specific Czech
of the technical standards, let them apply within 4 weeks after publication to the compiler
the address of which is given in the list below, or by
email at
Draft CSNs may
processors to the participants (except for the relevant ministries or other
central administrative authorities and the relevant technical standardisation commissions)
provide for overhead costs (reproduction, postage).
At the same time
points out that the tasks of creating Czech technical standards can only be handled by
organization or citizen with whom the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and
state testing through the Czech Agency for Standardization, s. p. o,
agreed upon and for which the commencement of work was announced in the Bulletin of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, with an indication of
Processor. Draft Czech technical standards for which both of these conditions would
have not been met, they cannot be approved.
For tasks
marked with *) is presumed to be an adoption of a European or international standard by adopting
original according to 7.3.2 of MPN 1:2011.
For tasks marked
**) the European standard is assumed to be adopted by approval for direct use as
CSN according to 7.3.3 MPN 1:2011.
Task number |
Title |
Dates |
Processor - address |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
01/0063/19 TNK: 7 |
Product Geometric Specifications (GPS) - Layout |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
01/0064/19 TNK: 80 |
Non-destructive testing - Eddy current testing - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory Organization |
01/0065/19 TNK: 106 |
Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance for |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
01/0066/19 TNK: 1 |
Drawings of civil engineering structures - Displaying modular dimensions, |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
01/0067/19 TNK: 106 |
Greenhouse gases - Part 3: Specification with guidance for |
19-08 |
Ivana Petrašová, dpt. |
03/0015/19 TNK: - |
Anodic oxidation of aluminium and its alloys - Determination |
19-09 |
Ing. Miloslav Smetana |
05/0034/19 TNK: 70 |
Welding materials - Wire electrodes, filled electrodes |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
05/0035/19 TNK: 70 |
Welding consumables - Arc welding fluxes under |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
06/0008/19 TNK: 26 |
Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories |
19-09 |
Engineering Testing Institute, s.p. |
07/0005/19 TNK: 103 |
LPG equipment and accessories - Terminology |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
07/0006/19 TNK: 103 |
LPG equipment and accessories - Safety valves for |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
08/0003/19 TNK: 48 |
Water turbines, storage pumps and pump turbines - |
19-09 |
Litostroj Engineering a.s. Capkova 2357/5 |
11/0002/19 TNK: - |
Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the energy index |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
11/0003/19 TNK: - |
Pumps - Methods of qualification and verification of the energy index |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
11/0004/19 TNK: 62 |
Connections for hydraulic equipment and general use |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
13/0008/19 TNK: 50 |
Industrial valves - Requirements and testing of metallic |
19-08 |
RNDr. Bohdan Kratochvíl, Ph.D. |
13/0009/19 TNK: 50 |
Safety relief devices against excessive pressure - |
19-08 |
RNDr. Bohdan Kratochvíl, Ph.D. |
14/0006/19 TNK: 112 |
Air conditioners, liquid cooling units, |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
18/0012/19 TNK: 56 |
Industrial communication networks - Installation of communication networks |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
22/0001/19 TNK: 111 |
Safety requirements for superabrasive tools |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
25/0010/19 TNK: - |
Communication systems for meters - Part 4: Wireless |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
25/0011/19 TNK: - |
Heat meters - Part 6: Installation, commissioning, |
20-01 |
RNDr. Bohdan Kratochvíl, Ph.D. |
25/0012/19 TNK: - |
Gas Meters - Rotary Volume Gas Meters |
20-01 |
RNDr. Bohdan Kratochvíl, Ph.D. |
25/0013/19 TNK: - |
Heat meters - Part 5: Tests for initial verification |
20-01 |
RNDr. Bohdan Kratochvíl, Ph.D. |
27/0012/19 TNK: 143 |
Safety requirements for passenger cableways - Inspection |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
27/0013/19 TNK: 143 |
Safety requirements for cableway installations - Ropes |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
27/0014/19 TNK: 123 |
Cranes - Crane Working Time Monitoring |
19-07 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
27/0015/19 TNK: 143 |
Safety requirements for passenger cableways - Inspection |
19-08 |
Union of the Elevator Industry of the Czech Republic |
28/0030/19 TNK: 141 |
Railway applications - Braking - Switchgear and brake switches |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
28/0031/19 TNK: 141 |
Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 4: |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
30/0011/19 TNK: - |
Road vehicles - Vehicle to vehicle communication interface |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0066/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Spherical plain bearings from |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0067/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Spherical plain bearings from |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0068/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Adjustable bearing eyes according to |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0069/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Adjustable bearing eyes according to |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0070/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Adjustable bearing eyes according to |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory Organization |
31/0071/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Adjustable bearing eyes according to |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0072/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Bolts with MJ thread, alloy |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0073/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Cable gland accessories |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0074/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Connecting pipe fittings |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0075/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Screws with MJ thread, from |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
31/0076/19 TNK: - |
Aerospace - Washers, bevelled, cylindrical |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
33/0031/19 TNK: 97 |
Wind turbines - Part 3-1: Design requirements for |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
33/0032/19 TNK: 97 |
Application integration in energy companies - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
33/0034/19 TNK: 124 |
Surveillance and alarm receiving centres |
19-08 |
Association of Technical Security Services Grémium Alarm |
33/0035/19 TNK: 97 |
Overhead power lines with a voltage above 1 kV AC - Part |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory Organization |
33/0036/19 TNK: 21 |
International Electrotechnical Dictionary - Chapter 442: |
19-08 |
Medit Consult s.r.o. |
33/0037/19 TNK: 97 |
Overhead power lines with a voltage above 1 kV AC - Part |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
33/0038/19 TNK: 97 |
Overhead power lines over 1 kV AC - Part 2-15: |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
33/0039/19 TNK: 22 |
Effects of current on humans and domestic animals - Part 2: |
19-10 |
Medit Consult s.r.o. |
34/0028/19 TNK: 97 |
Insulators for overhead lines - Composite support |
19-06 |
Association of High Voltage Testing Laboratories, z.s. - AZVN, z.s. |
34/0029/19 TNK: 110 |
Specification for the reuse of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) |
19-07 |
Association of High Voltage Testing Laboratories, z.s. - AZVN, z.s. |
35/0054/19 TNK: 98 |
Calibration of optical power meters for fibre optics |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0055/19 TNK: 98 |
Fiber optic connectors and passive components - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0056/19 TNK: 98 |
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: Indoor cables - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0057/19 TNK: 98 |
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-11: Indoor cables - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0058/19 TNK: 102 |
Semiconductor components - Mechanical and climatic tests - |
19-08 |
BUT Brno - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication |
35/0059/19 TNK: 97 |
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 109: |
19-08 |
Ing. Ivan Hála |
35/0060/19 TNK: 98 |
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor cables - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0061/19 TNK: 98 |
Fibre management systems and protective encapsulation |
19-09 |
SQS Vláknová optika a.s. |
35/0062/19 TNK: 98 |
Fibre management systems and protective encapsulation |
19-09 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
35/0063/19 TNK: 126 |
Very high voltage direct current power transmission |
19-07 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
36/0048/19 TNK: 33 |
Household and similar electrical appliances - |
19-08 |
Ing. Petr Voda |
36/0049/19 TNK: 127 |
Safety of laser equipment - Part 12: Safety |
19-07 |
Ing. Jiří Hrazdil |
36/0050/19 TNK: 81 |
Medical electrical apparatus - Part 2-54: Particular |
19-07 |
Ing. David Korpas, Ph.D. |
36/0051/19 TNK: 67 |
Light sources for road vehicles - Dimensional, |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
36/0052/19 TNK: 20 |
Information Technology - Security Techniques - Framework |
19-07 |
Ing. Alena Hönigová |
36/0053/19 TNK: 67 |
Control gear for light sources - Part 2-7: Particular |
19-07 |
Ing. Jitka Machatá, CSc. |
36/0054/19 TNK: 33 |
Tumble dryers for household use - Methods of measuring function |
19-08 |
Ing. Petr Voda |
36/0055/19 TNK: 67 |
Light sources and LED components for road vehicles - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
36/0056/19 TNK: 42 |
Multilingual biometric dictionary based on the English |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
36/0057/19 TNK: 113 |
Safety of lithium primary and battery cells |
19-07 |
JBS, s.r.o. |
36/0058/19 TNK: 33 |
Household and similar electrical appliances - |
19-08 |
Ing. Petr Voda |
37/0002/19 TNK: 121 |
Electrical equipment for the detection of combustible gases in dwellings |
19-09 |
Physical Technical Testing Institute, state enterprise |
38/0014/19 TNK: 132 |
Stable extinguishing systems - Sprinkler extinguishing systems in |
20-01 |
PAVUS, a.s. |
38/0015/19 TNK: 132 |
Fire extinguishing masks |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
38/0016/19 TNK: 132 |
Manually operated fire jets - Part 1: General |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
38/0017/19 TNK: 132 |
Manually operated fire jets - Part 2: Combination |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
38/0018/19 TNK: 132 |
Manually operated fire jets - Part 4: High pressure |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
38/0019/19 TNK: 132 |
Manually operated fire sprinklers - Part 3: Full current |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
38/0020/19 TNK: 55 |
Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressure up to 10 MPa (100 |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0025/19 TNK: 62 |
Cold-formed hollow welded profiles of structural |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0026/19 TNK: 62 |
Hot-formed hollow sections of structural steel - Part |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0027/19 TNK: 62 |
Weldable structural steels for anchored petroleum equipment |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0028/19 TNK: - |
Weldable structural steels for anchored petroleum equipment |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory Organization |
42/0029/19 TNK: 62 |
Weldable structural steels for anchored petroleum equipment |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0030/19 TNK: 62 |
Weldable structural steels for anchored petroleum equipment |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0031/19 TNK: 64 |
Metal powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
42/0032/19 TNK: 62 |
Stainless steel castings |
19-07 |
Ing. Jan Weischera - DWV |
49/0006/19 TNK: - |
Ladders - Part 3: Markings and instructions for use |
19-07 |
Ivana Petrašová, dpt. |
49/0007/19 TNK: 111 |
Safety of woodworking machines - Exhaust systems |
20-01 |
Association of Engineering Technology |
63/0006/19 TNK: 23 |
Clamping (mechanical) couplings for hot steam hoses |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
64/0049/19 TNK: 131 |
Plastic piping systems for non-pressure sewerage |
19-08 |
Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s. |
65/0013/19 TNK: - |
Fertilizers - Extraction of total trace nutrients in |
19-08 |
Kateřina Šléglová |
65/0014/19 TNK: - |
Fertilizers - Extraction of water-soluble trace nutrients in |
19-08 |
Kateřina Šléglová |
65/0027/19 TNK: 118 |
Petroleum products - Determination of aromatic hydrocarbon groups |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
65/0028/19 TNK: - |
Soil liming materials - Determining the need for liming - |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
65/0029/19 TNK: 134 |
Asphalts and asphalt binders - Recovery of binder from |
19-07 |
65/0030/19 TNK: 134 |
Asphalts and asphalt binders - Recovery of binder from |
19-07 |
65/0031/19 TNK: - |
Fertilizers and soil liming materials - Glossary - Part 3: |
19-08 |
Kateřina Šléglová |
65/0032/19 TNK: 118 |
Petroleum and petroleum products from natural or synthetic sources |
19-08 |
Czech Engineering Society z.s. |
65/0033/19 TNK: 118 |
Petroleum products - Determination of cloud point - Automatic |
19-08 |
Czech Engineering Society z.s. |
65/0034/19 TNK: 118 |
Petroleum and petroleum products from natural or synthetic sources |
19-08 |
Czech Engineering Society z.s. |
67/0012/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 1: Determination of distribution |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0013/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 7: Determination of weight loss |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0014/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 11: Creep test after |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0015/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 12: Determination of compatibility |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0016/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 13: Size analysis |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0017/19 TNK: 32 |
General test methods for pigments and fillers - Part 17: |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
67/0018/19 TNK: 32 |
Coatings and plastics - Determination of non-volatile content |
19-08 |
SVÚOM, s.r.o. |
67/0019/19 TNK: 32 |
Powder coatings - Part 14: Terminology |
19-07 |
SVÚOM, s.r.o. |
67/0020/19 TNK: 32 |
Coatings - Determination of resistance to liquids - |
19-07 |
SVÚOM, s.r.o. |
70/0002/19 TNK: 140 |
Glass in the construction industry - Thermally toughened |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
72/0029/19 TNK: 120 |
Thermal insulation products for buildings - Products made of loose |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
72/0030/19 TNK: - |
Toilet bowls and sets - Connecting dimensions |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
72/0031/19 TNK: - |
Ceramic cladding elements - Part 4: Determination of strength in |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
73/0080/19 TNK: 36 |
Design of concrete bridge structures (amendment to CSN 73 |
19-08 |
Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Civil Engineering |
73/0081/19 TNK: 35 |
National Annex - Eurocode 3: Design of steel |
19-06 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
73/0082/19 TNK: 141 |
Railway applications - Noise emission - Roughness measurement |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
73/0083/19 TNK: 41 |
Implementation of special geotechnical works - Trysková |
19-11 |
Ing. Jindřich Řičica |
73/0084/19 TNK: 76 |
Daylighting in buildings - Part 2: Daylighting in dwellings |
19-09 |
Atelier of lighting technology s.r.o. |
73/0085/19 TNK: 8 |
Acoustics - Noise protection in buildings and assessment |
20-02 |
Centrum stavebního inženýrství a.s. |
75/0026/19 TNK: 104 |
Water quality - Guidance for sampling mesozooplankton from |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
75/0027/19 TNK: 145 |
Backfilled dams (revision of ČSN 75 2310:2006) |
19-07 |
Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s. |
80/0017/19 TNK: 31 |
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 18: Mixtures |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
80/0018/19 TNK: 31 |
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 21: Mixtures |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
80/0019/19 TNK: 31 |
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 10: Mixtures |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
80/0020/19 TNK: 31 |
Textiles - Determination of metal content - Part 3: Determination of lead |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
80/0021/19 TNK: 31 |
Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 3: Mixtures |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
83/0046/19 TNK: 117 |
Air quality - Sampling and analysis of pollen grains and |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
84/0003/19 TNK: - |
Fume cupboards - Part 3: Type test methods |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
85/0031/19 TNK: 81 |
Dentistry - Dental mirrors |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
87/0041/19 TNK: 96 |
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) - Vehicular communications |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
91/0011/19 TNK: 31 |
Loose laid tiles - Semi-rigid multilayer modular |
19-07 |
Textile Testing Institute, s.p. |
91/0012/19 TNK: 31 |
Resilient and laminate floor coverings - Determining the impact |
19-08 |
Textile Testing Institute, s.p. |
91/0013/19 TNK: 31 |
Resilient floor coverings - Specifications for solid and |
19-08 |
Textile Testing Institute, s.p. |
91/0014/19 TNK: 31 |
Resilient floor coverings - Specifications for solid and |
19-08 |
Textile Testing Institute, s.p. |
94/0018/19 TNK: - |
Skateparks - Safety requirements and test methods |
19-08 |
Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s. |
94/0019/19 TNK: - |
Inflatable play equipment - Part 1: Safety requirements |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
94/0020/19 TNK: - |
Stationary training equipment - Part 9: Elliptical |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
97/0004/19 TNK: 42 |
Information technology - Fish and seafood products |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
97/0005/19 TNK: 42 |
Date and time - Information exchange display - Part 1: |
19-07 |
HEDO Praha s.r.o. |
97/0006/19 TNK: 42 |
Date and time - Information exchange display - Part 2: |
19-08 |
HEDO Praha s.r.o. |
98/0003/19 TNK: 20 |
Health Informatics - Syntax for displaying content |
19-08 |
Czech Agency for Standardization, State Contributory |
MP/0001/19 TNK: 65 |
Concrete tiles and fittings for roofing and cladding |
19-07 |
Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, |
MP/0002/19 TNK: - |
Fibre cement boards and fittings - Product specification and |
19-08 |
Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, |
MP/0003/19 TNK: - |
Waterproofing strips and foils - Plastic and rubber foils for |
19-07 |
Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, |
MP/0004/19 TNK: - |
Fibre cement flat boards - Product specification and |
19-08 |
Research Institute of Civil Engineering - Certification Company, |
MP/0005/19 TNK: 132 |
Fixed firefighting systems - Foam systems - Part 2: |
19-10 |
PAVUS, a.s. |
MP/0006/19 TNK: 94 |
Medical Technical Valves - Low Pressure Thermostatic |
19-07 |
Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s. |
MP/0007/19 TNK: - |
Toilet bowls and sets with built-in odour |
19-07 |
Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s. |
MP/0008/19 TNK: - |
Cistern flushers for toilet bowls and urinals |
19-07 |
Institute for Testing and Certification, a.s. |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing
on proposals
to abolish the CSN
Office for
Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing submits according to § 6
Act No. 22/1997 Coll. for consideration of the list of Czech technical standards (ČSN)
proposed for cancellation due to their technical obsolescence, outdatedness or
for other reasons.
Anyone who has
reasoned objections to the cancellation of the CSN may be lodged within 6 weeks of publication
this notification to the standards officer listed in the list of standards proposed for
cancellation, at the following address
Czech Agency for
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: 221
802 111
CSN designation Month and year of publication (date of approval) |
Sorting character |
CSN name |
Department number
Name of the referee TIME |
CSN 44 1309 July 2006 |
44 1309 |
Solid fuels - Withdrawal, |
2500 Ing. Hejtmánková |
CSN 70 3000 1991-02-08 |
70 3000 |
Principles for use |
2500 Ing. Foretová |
CSN 70 3002 November 1993 |
70 3002 |
Threaded glass mouths |
2500 Ing. Foretová |
CSN 70 3401 1986-12-08 |
70 3401 |
Glass for cosmetic |
2500 Ing. Foretová |
CSN 70 3500 1987-02-02 |
70 3500 |
Large packing glass. |
2500 Ing. Foretová |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Standardisation Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
NOTICE No 75/19
of the Office for
technical standardisation, metrology and state testing
on the public hearing on the proposals
European standards CEN
Office of Technical
Standardisation, Metrology and State Testing
submits pursuant to Section 6 of Act No. 22/1997
Coll. for public consultation the following draft standards of the European Committee for
standardisation (CEN).
On these proposals
considered as draft CSNs can be submitted by anyone, no later than 2 weeks before the relevant
by the deadline indicated below for each item, to submit comments to
Czech Agency for
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: 221 802 111
These proposals are
available from the Customer Centre of the Czech Standards Agency,
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1.
Most of these proposals can be read and
comment at
period from 2019-06-01 to 2019-06-30
The data are
taken from Database
Mark |
Name in English |
Originator |
Deadlines |
prEN ISO 27509 |
Petroleum and natural gas |
CEN/TC 12 |
2019-09-06 |
EN 12604:2017/prA1 |
Industrial, commercial and |
CEN/TC 33 |
2019-08-29 |
EN 12453:2017/prA1 |
Industrial, commercial and |
CEN/TC 33 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 28399 |
Dentistry - Products for |
CEN/TC 55 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN ISO 7787-2 |
Dentistry - Laboratory cutters - |
CEN/TC 55 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN ISO 15883-5 |
Washer disinfectors - Part 5: |
CEN/TC 102 |
2019-09-02 |
prEN 1254-3 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-2 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-1 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-6 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-8 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-7 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-4 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-5 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1254-20 |
Copper and copper alloys - |
CEN/TC 133 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 1816 |
Resilient floor coverings - |
CEN/TC 134 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 1817 |
Resilient floor coverings - |
CEN/TC 134 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 12199 |
Resilient floor coverings - |
CEN/TC 134 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 17396 |
Resilient floor coverings - |
CEN/TC 134 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 13523-18 |
Coil coated metals - Test |
CEN/TC 139 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 13523-6 |
Coil coated metals - Test |
CEN/TC 139 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 13523-20 |
Coil coated metals - Test |
CEN/TC 139 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 13001-2 |
Crane safety - General design - |
CEN/TC 147 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN ISO 11298-4 |
Plastics piping systems for |
CEN/TC 155 |
2019-09-04 |
prEN ISO 23856 |
Plastics piping systems for |
CEN/TC 155 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 15004-1 |
Ophthalmic instruments - |
CEN/TC 170 |
2019-08-30 |
prEN ISO 8624 |
Ophthalmic optics - Spectacle |
CEN/TC 170 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN ISO 8062-3 |
Geometrical product |
CEN/TC 190 |
2019-09-10 |
prEN 14972-3 |
Fixed firefighting systems - |
CEN/TC 191 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 15004-5 |
Fixed firefighting systems - Gas |
CEN/TC 191 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 15004-4 |
Fixed firefighting systems - Gas |
CEN/TC 191 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 15004-6 |
Fixed firefighting systems - Gas |
CEN/TC 191 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 15004-2 |
Fixed firefighting systems - Gas |
CEN/TC 191 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 17407 |
Portable equipment for |
CEN/TC 192 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 17408 |
Determination of the flowability |
CEN/TC 193 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN ISO 23062 |
Foundry machinery - Safety |
CEN/TC 202 |
2019-08-29 |
EN ISO 11737-1:2018/prA1 |
Sterilization of health care |
CEN/TC 204 |
2019-08-30 |
prEN 17191 |
Children´s Furniture - Seating |
CEN/TC 207 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN ISO 389-7 |
Acoustics - Reference zero for |
CEN/TC 211 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN ISO 23372 |
Respiratory therapy equipment: |
CEN/TC 215 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN ISO 5667-1 |
Water quality - Sampling - Part |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN ISO 13164-1 |
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13164-3 |
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13164-2 |
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13164-4 |
Water quality - Radon-222 - Part |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13165-2 |
Water quality - Radium-226 - |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13165-1 |
Water quality - Radium-226 - |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 13165-3 |
Water quality - Radium-226 - |
CEN/TC 230 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 17393 |
Thermal spraying - Tubular |
CEN/TC 240 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 20418-3 |
Textiles - Qualitative and |
CEN/TC 248 |
2019-09-10 |
prEN 17410 |
Plastics - Controlled loop |
CEN/TC 249 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN ISO 844 |
Rigid cellular plastics - |
CEN/TC 249 |
2019-09-17 |
prEN ISO 2440 |
Flexible and rigid cellular |
CEN/TC 249 |
2019-09-04 |
prEN 13231-2 |
Railway applications - Track - |
CEN/TC 256 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 17397-1 |
Railway applications - Rail |
CEN/TC 256 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN ISO 11463 |
Corrosion of metals and alloys - |
CEN/TC 262 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN 13725 |
Stationary source emissions - |
CEN/TC 264 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN ISO 27587 |
Leather - Chemical tests - |
CEN/TC 289 |
2019-09-09 |
prEN ISO 17131 |
Leather - Identification of |
CEN/TC 289 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN ISO 2692 |
Geometrical product |
CEN/TC 290 |
2019-08-26 |
prEN ISO 20049-1 |
Solid biofuels - Determination |
CEN/TC 335 |
2019-09-06 |
EN 16516:2017/prA1 |
Construction products: |
CEN/TC 351 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN ISO 17200 |
Nanotechnology - Nanoparticles |
CEN/TC 352 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN 16524 |
Mechanical products - |
CEN/TC 406 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN 17412 |
Building Information Modelling - |
CEN/TC 442 |
2019-09-19 |
prEN 17399 |
Algae and algaebased products or |
CEN/TC 454 |
2019-09-05 |
prEN ISO 128-1 |
Technical product documentation |
CEN/SS F01 |
2019-08-27 |
prEN ISO 128-100 |
Technical product documentation |
CEN/SS F01 |
2019-09-12 |
prEN ISO 9093 |
Small craft - Seacocks and |
CEN/SS T01 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN ISO 8848 |
Small craft - Remote steering |
CEN/SS T01 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN 10371 |
Metallic materials - Small punch |
PRICE/TC 459/SC 1 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 10369-1 |
Prestressing steels - Protected |
PRICE/TC 459/SC 4 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 10369-2 |
Prestressing steels - Protected |
PRICE/TC 459/SC 4 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 10370 |
Steel for the reinforcement of |
PRICE/TC 459/SC 4 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN 10369-3 |
Prestressing steels - Protected |
PRICE/TC 459/SC 4 |
2019-08-29 |
prEN ISO/IEC 27000 |
Information technology - |
2019-09-19 |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Standardisation Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
NOTICE No 76/19
of the Office for
technical standardisation, metrology and state testing
on the public hearing on the proposals
European standards CENELEC
Office of Technical
Standardisation, Metrology and State Testing
submits pursuant to Section 6 of Act No. 22/1997
Coll. for public consultation the following draft standards of the European Committee for
Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).
On these proposals
considered as draft CSNs can be submitted by anyone, no later than 2 weeks before the relevant
by the deadline indicated below for each item, to submit comments to
Czech Agency for
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: 221 802 111
These proposals are
available from the Customer Centre of the Czech Standards Agency,
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1.
Most of these proposals can be read and
comment at
period from 2019-06-01 to 2019-06-30
The data are
taken from Database
Mark |
Name in English |
Originator |
Deadlines |
prEN 62485-6:2019 |
Safety requirements for |
CLC/TC 21X |
2019-09-06 |
prEN 62485-5:2019 |
Safety requirements for |
CLC/TC 21X |
2019-09-06 |
EN 55014-1:2017/prA1 (fragment |
Electromagnetic compatibility - |
CLC/TC 210 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 62149-11:2019 |
Fibre optic active components |
CLC/SR 86C |
2019-09-13 |
EN 55014-1:2017/prA1 {fragment |
Electromagnetic compatibility - |
CLC/TC 210 |
2019-09-20 |
EN 60598-1:2015/prA2:2019 |
Luminaires - Part 1: General |
CLC/TC 34 |
2019-08-30 |
prEN IEC 63045:2019 |
Ultrasonics - Non-focusing and |
CLC/SR 87 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 61189-5-504:2019 |
Test methods for electrical |
CLC/SR 91 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 63115-2:2019 |
Secondary cells and batteries |
CLC/TC 21X |
2019-09-20 |
EN 55014-2:2015/prA1 {fragment |
Electromagnetic compatibility - |
CLC/TC 210 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 62610-6:2019 |
Mechanical structures for |
CLC/SR 48D |
2019-09-06 |
prEN 61788-26:2019 |
Superconductivity - Part 26: |
CLC/SR 90 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN IEC 60335-2-40 |
Household and similar electrical |
CLC/TC 61 |
2019-09-13 |
EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019/prA1:2019 |
Electromagnetic compatibility |
CLC/TC 210 |
2019-09-06 |
EN 50083-2:2012/prA2 |
Cable networks for television |
CLC/TC 209 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN IEC 62973-2:2019 |
Railway applications - Batteries |
2019-08-30 |
prEN IEC 61472-2:2019 |
Live working - Minimum approach |
CLC/TC 78 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN 63180:2019 |
Methodology for determining the |
2019-09-06 |
prEN IEC 60317-0-6:2019 |
Specifications for particular |
CLC/TC 55 |
2019-09-06 |
EN 50401:2017/prA1 |
Product standard to demonstrate |
CLC/TC 106X |
2019-08-30 |
prEN 63181-2:2019 |
LCD multi-screen display |
CLC/TC 100X |
2019-09-06 |
prEN 61753-061-2:2019 |
Fibre optic interconnecting |
2019-09-06 |
prEN 61977:2019 |
Fibre optic interconnecting |
2019-09-06 |
prEN IEC 62148-6:2019 |
Fibre optic active components |
CLC/SR 86C |
2019-08-30 |
prEN 50377-14-1 |
Connector sets and interconnect |
2019-08-30 |
FprEN IEC 60215:201X/prAA |
Safety requirements for radio |
CLC/SR 103 |
2019-09-06 |
prEN IEC 62401 |
Radiation protection |
CLC/TC 45B |
2019-08-30 |
prEN IEC 62327 |
Radiation protection |
CLC/TC 45B |
2019-08-30 |
EN 50131-1:2006/prA3:2019 |
Alarm systems - Intrusion and |
CLC/TC 79 |
2019-08-30 |
EN IEC 61300-2-4:2019/prA1:2019 |
Fibre optic interconnecting |
2019-09-13 |
FprEN 60335-2-36:2017/prA11:2019 |
Household and similar electrical |
CLC/TC 61 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 61225 |
Nuclear power plants - |
2019-08-30 |
prEN IEC 62841-4-4:2019 |
Electric motor-operated |
CLC/TC 116 |
2019-08-30 |
prEN IEC 62841-4-4:2019/prAA:2019 |
Electric motor-operated |
CLC/TC 116 |
2019-08-30 |
EN 55014-1:2017/prA1 {fragment |
Electromagnetic compatibility - |
CLC/TC 210 |
2019-09-20 |
prEN IEC 63247-1:2019 |
Live working - Part 1: Footwear |
CLC/TC 78 |
2019-09-20 |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Standardisation Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.
NOTICE No 77/19
Office for Technical Standardization,
metrology and state testing
on public
discussion of draft European telecommunications standards
Office of Technical
Standardisation, Metrology and State Testing
submits pursuant to Section 6 of Act No. 22/1997
Coll. for public consultation the following draft ETSI standards -
European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
On these proposals
considered to be draft CSNs, anyone may submit comments in the timeframe set out below
deadline at
Czech Agency for
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel: 221 802 111
These proposals are
available from the Customer Centre of the Czech Standards Agency,
state contributory
Bishop's Court
1148/5, 110 00 Prague 1.
Most of these proposals can be read and
comment at
in the period from 2019-06-01 to 2019-06-30
Edition: AP |
Deadline |
Document marking ETSI Schedule item designation Working Group (WG) |
ETSI EN 301 549 V3.1.1 REN/HF-00301549v311 HF |
Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services |
Czech Agency for
Director of the Standardisation Department
Zdeňka Slaná v. r.