Conformity Assessment Commission
The Conformity Assessment Commission is a permanent expert advisory body to the President of the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing in the area of its competence. The Commission promotes development of conformity assessment and the achievement of compatibility with conformity assessment procedures applied in the EU. If necessary, it represents Czech subjects operating in the field of conformity assessment in relevant international organisations.
The Commission discusses the proposals and recommends:
- concepts in the field of conformity assessment, including important issues of international and European cooperation,
- tasks of the Program on State Testing Development,
- authorization of new legal entities to operate under Act No. 22/1997 Coll., on Technical Requirements for Products and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended, and major changes to the authorizations granted,
- programmes of information, educational activities and technical equipment for authorised persons.
It also participates in the preparation of legislation in the field of conformity assessment, supports the Czech Republic's involvement in international activities, especially with the aim of mutual recognition of conformity assessment results, and submits proposals for improving activities in this area to the President of the ÚNMZ. In its activities, it uses the opinions and comments of interested legal entities and associations, including the Office's specialist departments, and the knowledge and experience gained from international cooperation.
Association of Accredited and Authorised Organisations | |
Czech Agency for Standardization | |
Czech Trade Inspection Authority | |
Czech Society for Technical Standardization | |
Czech-Moravian Electrical Association | |
Czech Mining Authority | |
Czech Institute for Accreditation | |
Czech Metrology Institute | |
Railway Authority | |
Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic | |
Confederation of Employers' and Business Associations | |
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | |
Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic | |
Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic | |
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic | |
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic | |
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic | |
EMCas Association | |
Association for Technical Standardization of the Rubber and Plastics Industry | |
State Energy Inspectorate | |
State Office for Drug Control | |
Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic | |
Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic | |
Association of Engineering Technology | |
Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing |
Membership of the Commission is open to all legal entities and associations active in the field of conformity assessment at national and international level and to independent experts. These are in particular representatives of
- industrial, commercial and consumer sectors,
- state administration bodies whose competence includes issuing legislation governing the characteristics of products,
- testing laboratories, certification and inspection bodies,
- Czech Institute for Accreditation,
- Czech Metrology Institute,
- Office
- independent experts.