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Lista Award - student competition


The Czech Standards Agency (CSA) announces the 4th annual competition for the best student work in the field of technical standardization.

The aim of the competition is to award the authors of the best diploma and bachelor theses with a focus on technical standardization, submitted for defense in the academic year 2017/2018 and 2018/2019, and thus to support their further professional direction.

Employees of the ÚNMZ and ČAS and persons close to employees of the ÚNMZ and ČAS within the meaning of Section 22 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, are not eligible to participate in the competition and are excluded from it.

What are the awards?

-         1st place in the category "The best diploma thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial award of 10 thousand CZK

-         Honorable mention in the category "The best diploma thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial reward of CZK 5,000

-         1st place in the category "Best Bachelor Thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial award of 10 thousand CZK

-         Honorable mention in the category "The best bachelor thesis in the field of technical standardization" with a financial reward of CZK 5,000


What are the conditions for participation in the competition?

-         The author of the thesis must be a student or graduate of a bachelor's or master's degree programme at a university based in the Czech Republic and must not be older than 30 years

- The thesis must be submitted for defence in the academic year 2017/2018 or 2018/2019 with an expected defence date between 1 January 2018 and 30 September 2019

-         The submitted work must be written in Czech language

-         It is not possible to submit a work that was entered in the previous year


What is being assessed?

-         Relation of work to technical standards and ability to apply them (e.g. use of CSN for thesis or bachelor's thesis)

-         Professional quality of the work, contribution to the current state of knowledge, applicability of the work to practice and innovative approach to the issue in relation to technical standardization


Who's judging?

-         Expert Commission composed of representatives of the CAS and selected representatives of stakeholders


How to apply?

-         The completed application form together with the electronic version of the thesis (or the supervisor's and opponent's opinions) should be sent to PhDr. Věra Vlková ( or at ČAS, Biskupský dvůr 5, 110 02 Prague 1)

Download the application form here: Application Lista Award - students


Until when can I apply for a job?

-         Until 31 July 2019


The winners of the competition will be announced and the awards will be presented in October 2019 on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Technical Standardization and the Vladimir List Awards.