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NANDO database - change in connection with the integration into the Single Market Compliance Space (SMCS) portal

NANDO database - change in connection with the integration into the Single Market Compliance Space (SMCS) portal The Department of State Testing of the Institute of State Testing informs the professional public that the existing electronic databases have been merged at the level of the European Commission NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) a Noise (noise emission system according to Directive 2000/14/EC). A new portal called Single Market Compliance Space (SMCS). This common virtual space serves to ensure the flow of information between market surveillance authorities, notifying authorities, accreditation bodies, notified bodies and designated bodies. In the future, the involvement of third country manufacturers and importers is also envisaged. The link to the European Commission website is here: . The Department of State Testing of the Office of the Ministry of Industry and Trade will continue to provide the activities of the notifying authority for EU sectoral legislation, now through SMCS Input instead of the existing NANDO Input. The roll-out of the new system entails an increased frequency of problems with individual notifications/notifications.