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European Commission publishes the results of the evaluation of the New Legislative Framework


On 11/11/2022, the European Commission published on the "Have your say" portal the results of the ongoing evaluation of the New Legislative Framework (NLF), which is made up of Decision 768/2008/EC and Regulation 765/2008/EC. The results of a public consultation, an online targeted survey, a stakeholder consultation organised by the European Commission and an external study were used in the evaluation.

The NLF aims to strengthen the internal market and improve the quality of conformity assessment of products placed on the market. Given the changes that have taken place since the adoption of those rules, in particular in the context of digitisation, the circular economy and the integration of environmental aspects into product legislation, it was necessary to assess whether the NLF remains fit for purpose and ensures that products placed on the Union market are safe and comply with the applicable legislation. The implementation of the NLF was evaluated with regard to its four specific objectives, which are to strengthen the New Approach, to promote coherence and consistency of EU harmonisation legislation, to strengthen the conformity assessment system, and to enhance the clarity and credibility of the CE marking.

A detailed evaluation report and summary is available under the link below.
Industrial products - evaluation of the new legislative framework (