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Official opinion of the European Commission (expiry of the extended suspension period)

At the 33rd meeting of the KTPO (27 March 2013), the question was raised about waiting for the European Commission's opinion after the expiry of the extended period of suspension of works and after sending the reply to the detailed opinion of the European Commission. It was also communicated the position of the ITPO that the rapporteur of the Regulation should wait for the opinion of the European Commission and agree with the European Commission on the final text of the Regulation.
At the 119th meeting of the Committee 98/34, held on 28 May 2013 in Brussels, the Czech Republic requested the European Commission to issue an opinion on the above.

The Chairman of the 98/34 Committee, Mr Giuseppe Casella, said that this matter related to a meeting between representatives of the Czech Republic and representatives of the European Commission (the meeting had taken place on 17 January 2013 in Brussels),
and will therefore be dealt with bilaterally. He further promised to send the minutes of the said meeting, which should lead to an explanation.


On 21 June 2013 we received Official opinion of the European Commission (DOCX; 18.9 kB).

It was also sent from the European Commission on 5 July 2013. Appendix (DOCX; 14.2 kB) explaining the last sentence of the above opinion.