Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy
On 31 October 2022, on the occasion of a joint meeting of the Governments of the Czech Republic and Ukraine, the "Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the field of Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment between the Office for Technical Standardization, Metrology and State Testing and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine" and the related Action Plan for the period 2022-2024 were signed in Kiev. The Memorandum provides a framework for deepening mutual cooperation in the above-mentioned areas in order to contribute to the removal of barriers to mutual trade and strengthen economic relations between the two countries. The Action Plan then specifies specific areas of cooperation over the next two years according to the current needs and interests of both sides.
The text of both signed documents in Czech, Ukrainian and English is available here.