Measures of a general nature
The Measures of a general nature (OOP) in force are published on the webpage of the Czech Metrology Institute here (Czech version only).
Note: Draft text of a particular Measure of a General Nature in other language is available at the TRIS database.
The Czech Metrology Institute (CMI), is the competent local body for laying down metrological and technical requirements for specified measuring instruments and for stipulating test methods for type approval and for verification of specified measuring instruments (legally controlled measuring instruments) pursuant to Section 14(1) of Act No 505/1990 Coll., on Metrology, as amended, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 172 et seq. of Act No 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended.
If the metrological and technical requirements for specified measuring instruments or for one of the processes of the type approval and verification are set down by a different legislation (for instance if the type approval and initial verification are covered by the assessment of conformity in accordance with the appropriate Government regulation under the Act No 90/2016 Coll., on conformity assessment of specified products when made available on the market, or if it is irrelevant (the reverification in the case of a specified measuring instrument, which has a reverification interval without limitations), Measures of a general nature do not relate to them.